Jordan A. Berg
Computational Biochemist / Data Scientist
I am a computational biochemist interested in metabolism and the enzymes that control this vital biological process. I have a background in RNA sequencing, ribosome profiling, proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics, and metabolic tracing data processing, analysis and visualization. I am passionate about building interactive, interpretable software for a more holistic understanding of complex metabolic networks and I am an active open-source developer and contributor. I integrate protein and small molecule language models to understand the mechanisms underlying allosteric regulation.
I also develop and maintain the bioinformatics software suites, Metaboverse, which aids researchers in contextualizing their metabolic data and automates the process of identifying regulatory events within their data; Electrum, which assists in visualizing and analyzing MIDAS data; and XPRESSyourself, which adds to and automates the quantification and analysis of ribosome profiling and other gene expression data.
I received my Ph.D. from the University of Utah, where I worked in the lab of Jared Rutter (Department of Biochemistry), and was co-advised by Bei Wang (School of Computing). During my Ph.D., I was funded first by an NIDDK T32, and then by an NCI F99 predoctoral fellowship (1F99CA253744). During my undergraduate degree, I worked in the lab of Julianne Grose isolating and phenotypically and genomically characterizing novel Erwinia and Brevibacillus bacteriophages.